Guidelines for Earth Crisis Support Group and Potluck Parties, updated 2/2024                          

 “Don’t think a small group of people can’t change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Reader #1 Welcome to our Earth Crisis Support Group and Potluck Party (ECSG).  Who volunteers to run this meeting? Please pass out or look on line and read these guidelines aloud. May we have a volunteer to keep our roster current and provide it to newcomers in the group? Please give and receive support in between meetings and coordinate food for potluck. Our group has gathered to create local community and develop close relationships. We are facing the worst existential crisis the human family has ever known, living during the 6th extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans. Most of us live in denial. We do not have enough places to share our feelings and thoughts about what is happening in the world. Too often we fall into paralysis and may feel isolated, depressed and lonely.  ECSG’s meet in people’s homes and share a meal together. Eating together is the key that creates community. Every crisis is an invitation for psycho-spiritual growth. Our committed local group meets weekly and naturally we co-create meaningful projects and plan effectively for the future.

 Reader #2 These local gatherings draw upon three group models including psychological support groups, Twelve Step meetings and the early Christian church who shared a weekly meal in people’s homes. Like any support group, we share similar circumstances, feelings and experiences and begin to feel less alone in our challenges and naturally develop bonds of closeness. We begin like a Twelve Step meeting reading aloud these written guidelines enabling any newcomer to understand and fully participate and for anyone to be the meeting leader. ECSG guidelines enable us to become a planetary network to organize worldwide conferences and actions. One or two people may take the initiative to invite a small group of people to the first gathering and all members are asked to invite new members until there is a solid committed group that meets regularly.  Experienced facilitators, from Our Common Home Counseling Center are available in person or on Zoom to provide support  as requested. Creating community is the most important preparation for future crisis and creative change. No previous experince in group facilitation is necessary. No money is needed to form or join a group.

 Reader #3 The  rotating volunteer leader keeps time of four sections enabling the group to end on time. Hold about a one-minute period of prayer, singing, silence, readings or rituals using Christian, Buddhist, secular etc. offerings that are chosen by each individual group between the four main sections and at the end; 1. Personal sharing, 2. Sharing about what is happening in the world, 3. Open conversation and potluck party, 4.  Clean up. Each member offers uninterrupted sharing for about three to five minutes depending on the size of the group. Go twice around the circle inviting everyone to share and/or sit together in silence. The first time around the circle is a check in on how we are feeling and what is going on with us personally. The second time we share our feelings about our understanding about what is happening in the world. Our feelings get stuck when they are not expressed and exploring and sharing with others enables our feelings to move and transform. If we do not know how we feel and have nothing to say we sit in silence. Shared silence is deeply meaningful.

 Reader #4 We commit as a group to learn together what is happening in the world. While we eat together, we share credible and reliable news sources and enjoy open conversation as we eat and share stories of hope and dreams and visions of a loving future of ecological civilization. Everyone shares what they are most passionate about and most want to do in the world individually and collectively. 

Please read and at the end agree to the following guidelines.

1. We agree that there is an urgent earth crisis.

2. We agree to share our feelings and thoughts.

3. We are willing to share about our understanding of our planetary crisis including ecologic, economic, social, political breakdowns, the risk of nuclear war and increasing ecological catastrophes.   

4. Everyone is invited to share without being interrupted and listen deeply.

 Reader #5 5.Before the potluck there is no cross talk, meaning we do not comment on what other people have shared, and we refrain from interrupting people except to ask clarifying questions.

6. Everything shared in the group is kept in confidence.

7. Encourage “I” statements for example, “I feel anxious, happy, sad etc……..” If you do not know how you are feeling or have nothing to say, the group will sit with you in silence.

8. Commit to loving everyone in the silences as well as in conversation and send a silent mantra and blessings to everyone as they share repeating silently, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

9. We bring food for a potluck meal, eat and clean up together. Please eat together and if  your group wants to order a pizza or ask everyone to bring a sandwich, make it work for your needs.

10. During the meal we share open conversation including world news as we plan actions we want to take together and individually.  We agree to hope and dream together knowing that there is infinite potential when we tell the truth and call upon our collective genius.  We share stories of hope and commit to co-creating lives of meaning, purpose and love, learning to live in harmony with the natural world.

 Reader #6 11. Everyone commits to recruiting new members until the group has about 6-8 committed members who attend regularly. If homes are not available use community centers, churches etc. 

12. At the end of the meal and before clean-up we go around the circle for a short check out. Share briefly how you are feeling, how you feel about the group time and at least one action step you commit to working on in the next week.  Someone leads one minute of prayer or music. Everyone helps to clean up together.

13. When there is a conflict in the group, we set aside a separate time solely for a discussion about the issue or conflict but not during the two-hour ECSG format. Schedule a time for the group to discuss the issue after a group meeting or another agreed upon time. All information about the issue is shared and everyone is invited to speak about their ideas and feelings. Usually, a wise solution is revealed naturally in this manner. ECSG’s offers experienced group leaders available for consultation when requested.

14.The leader will alert the group at 5:40 pm that it is time to check out in order to go to the kitchen to clean up together by 5:45 pm. Please volunteer for the needed tasks including: dish washing, drying, putting away dishes, putting food away, clean counters, make coffee and tea before 6 pm. Playing music perhaps off your phones to sing and dance together is recommended while cleaning. Everyone is welcome to stay for coffee and conversation, music and dancing after 6 pm if hosts make invitation.

15.Please assign a timekeeper and/or the leader please begin with a minute of silence, song, prayer or meditation, NOW!

 Special note about ECSG’s Network and Support We offer One on One introduction Zoom meetings for those interested in beginning or joining a group as well as ongoing support sessions for group leaders.   Please send questions and share meaningful ECSG experiences, stories and group practices, contact Bonnie Tarwater,, (858) 248-5123.  ECSG’s are cosponsored by the non-profits, Our Common Home Counseling Center and the Living Earth Movement, Please check websites for news and updates.  Make tax deductible donations to Our Common Home by PayPal, credit card or mail checks to Our Common Home, 15435 Strong Rd. Dallas, Oregon, 97338.